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Explore the TVL Track:


ABOUT tvl 

     The TVL Strand aims to equip students with practical abilities for technical projects and a sustainable lifestyle. It offers a curriculum that passes TESDA's competency-based assessment requirements through a mix of Core Courses and specialized hands-on courses. 

Qualifications for tvl

     Personality: Certain personality traits will be useful like being practical, patient and persistent, collaborative, self-motivated, and initiative in learning and growing in this path.

     Skills: This track often focuses on practical skills and vocational training such as being hands-on in technical skills including welding, drafting, automobile technology, electrical installation and repair, culinary arts, cosmetology, and information technology. Customer service, problem-solving, and good communication skills are also necessary in this field.

     Abilities: Accurate hand coordination and control are essential for a variety of professions, being knowledgeable with mechanical systems, tools, and equipment as well as having the ability to troubleshoot and carry out maintenance or repairs when necessary are some of the abilities needed. 

 College Courses 

Aligned for tvl Strand

Information & Communications Technology (ICT)

Software Developer/Engineer

Multimedia Artist/Animator

Web Developer

Home Economics


Interior Designer

Textile Designer

Industrial Arts

Electronics repair/installation
Automotive servicing/Technician

Agri-Fishery Arts

Agricultural Economist
Agricultural Engineer


aligned careers
for technical vocational livelihood (tvl)

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